Using Renewable Energy has plenty of benefits, all of which include social, economic and environmental reasons. What criteria must the energy source meet?
- Little to no social or environmental impact
- Help protect land, water and air
- Little to no carbon or greenhouse emissions
- Not put further generations at risk
So with all this said, what are the benefits of renewable energy?
We manage our own energy
Energy production is put back in your hands. It doesn’t matter who you are, you can support renewable energy – whether you’re a large business or a family in a small town. This is a great benefit since you have full control over your current situation and have a great hand in improving the future of the environment.
New jobs
Localised uses of renewable energy can produce jobs in various parts of the country, of which are permanent instead of cyclical. In 2004, more than 1.7 million jobs were created as a direct result of renewable energy manufacturing, operations and maintenance.
Environmental benefits
This goes without saying, but using renewable energy does have a large, positive effect on the environment. These systems produce zero to few greenhouse emissions and can also produce very few air and water pollutants, land damage and general waste. Carefully locating these systems, like on buildings, will prevent land use conflicts.
There’s been an increased dependence on foreign oil supply since the early 1970s, so by using these renewable energy sources you can feel secure that you’ll always have power.
Less maintenance
Renewable Energy sources require less maintenance since the fuel they produce is natural, therefore it brings down the costs of operation.